
I haven’t updated this site in too long, and this post is somewhat of a resolution.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

  • Is the javascript bundle of this portfolio / blog website larger than it needs to be? Probably.
  • Am I using google analytics instead of the more ethical Plausible, yeah.
  • Should future static sites of mine be written in something cool lightweight and new like e11nty, maybe.
  • Is my lighthouse score 110%, no. (It’s not toooo gross tho).

For the last view months during covid, I’ve had a ton of ideas. Fun things I could make / try. But at the front of my mind I say

“But first I should redo my website”

The purpose of this website is for me to be able to post projects I’m proud of and track tech related goals.

Whether this site is fully optimized to Rich Harris standards or not, it gets the job done, and it gets it done well.

While twitter is great for learning about new tools, it can be easy to be bogged down into an endless cycle of “you should checkout and use this neat new thing”.

If you attempt to use every tool designed to make launching a product “easier” and “efficiently”, you’ll never launch a product.

Now that the barrier of “redoing my website” has been solved with instead 50 lines of markdown, I’m looking forward to smaller more frequent posts. Hopefully hints that others can find valuable about KnexJS, GraphQL, NestJS, React and more.

I’m currently learning rust basics outside of work, to work on this, and i’d love to know what you think of it.

Feel free to comment / share on dev.to

Stay safe wear a mask and please vote.