How I Made This Site

How I Made This Site

- 2 min to read

I set out to use what I learned about javascript from my internship at ISE to create a responsive blog style portfolio using a static site generator. The goal was to host it for free on GitHub pages alongside its source code, to allow for easy and immediate editing from anywhere, and to contribute to open source projects along the way.

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Completing Software Design

Completing Software Design

- 1 min to read

This semester I completed our project-based Java course “Software Design” and learned a ton. Over the course of the semester, we were given a grid of assignments for completion, and I thought I’d post some of the highlights. I completed 13 short programs that covered topics like GUI using Swing, Multithreading, Networking, and entry-level database work.

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TigerHacks 2018: Playground News

TigerHacks 2018: Playground News

- 3 min to read

At TigerHacks this year at the University of Missouri, Olivia Sandvold, Ben Weinberg and I, worked together to build “Playground News”: A web app for elementary/adolescent aged kids to read and interact with curated news, and motivate family conversation.

Our goal was to help kids increase their literary ability, learn relevant topics through current news, and then encourage dialog over those concepts with parents through provided parental controls and data-driven tooling with insight reports.

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Entering Year 3 of Computer Comfort 👵💻

This fall I'll be taking on the role of President for the Computer Comfort executive board, and I couldn't be more excited. I've been with the org for two years now, and immediately after my first semester of volunteering, I applied for a position on the board. I knew right away that the club was something I wanted to participate in throughout my four years at Iowa, and I've held leadership roles within the club ever since. In that time we've grown a ton, so I wanted to share a bit about what we've done for the community, and how we've grown as a student org on campus.

Our Mission Statement:

> "Computer Comfort strives to bridge the age gap in Iowa City by educating seniors on today’s technology while building strong relationships in the process."
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⚡ Laserphonic

⚡ Laserphonic

- 1 min to read

For a course in Digital Arts this semester, two friends and I grouped together to create a multichannel audio circuit for displaying “Chladni Figures” in a project we called “Laserphonic”.

Chladni Plate ( Plate (

You may have seen these formations on plates such as the one shown above. We set out to recreate the resonant frequency effects visually using lasers, as a way for listeners and artists to see a real-time visualization of harmony and dissonance. We were inspired by Nathan J. Wall, who demoed a similar idea for an acoustics project at USF Music Tech in 2012.
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Ben Mitchinson

Focused on code quality, learning new things, and creating effective processes for agile development. I like to make software that feels fun to use.

Software Engineer @ Accenture Industry X

Denver, CO